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Filing 14B

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  • Filing 14B

    A Judge ruled on September 25, 2020, that my ex can enrol the child (4 years old) in a private school, she will be responsible for tuition. The judge ruled that I will pay half of the before and after school program fees ($315).

    On the day the judge released her decision, my ex sent a text message informing me that she will be diverting the money to pay for tuition.

    I want the judge to order that I pay directly to the school. I understand i have to file 14b, but am not sure which rules apply and other documents to submit. I expect her to contest

  • #2
    Why? You are paying her a portion of a cost she is incurring. What she does with that money is not your concern. If she comes back and says “I dont have enough for the child care, pay me more” you tell her to pound sand.

    You want to waste court time and your money to force her to spend the money how you say? Pointless. You were ordered to pay a portion of daycare fees which are an eligible expense and you pay them. What she does with that money is none of your business after you pay it.


    • #3
      It hasn't happened yet. You have to wait until she does not pay for the school programs.

      What she texted you was wrong and either she did it out of anxiousness or to rile you up. Keep the text but I advise that you not fall into the manipulation trap (if that is what it is).

      Strategically you wait until they do not enroll the child (say a month or so) or wait until something bigger comes up and use it against them.

      No use wasting energy on this at the moment.

      Just my thought.


      • #4
        Thank you everyone for the assistance, I find it helpful to connect with this group first before responding emotionally. Thank you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by guydeluxe2018 View Post
          Thank you everyone for the assistance, I find it helpful to connect with this group first before responding emotionally. Thank you.

          She more than likely did it to piss you off. Jokes on her though. She will have to provide you with proof she incurred the expense before you pay. Tuition would be due before that payment.


          • #6
            Now am smiling :-) , thank you.


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