Hey guys.
So I’m helping another friend and I was going to bore you with details. But decided not to unless you want know.
Research had me uncover tayken link for this amazing case law
Anyway. We are filing for an emergency interim custody order because his ex is being vindictive and only allowing him contact with his daughter when she sees fit which is like 4 hours on any particular day.
She obtained a laywer and her offer they say is child focused and she wants sole custody where the father can have access “time to time” laughable I know
Anyway, when the judge reads our forms and 40pieces of evidence, IF emergency motion is granted. What are we talking here? Couple weeks?
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So I’m helping another friend and I was going to bore you with details. But decided not to unless you want know.
Research had me uncover tayken link for this amazing case law
Anyway. We are filing for an emergency interim custody order because his ex is being vindictive and only allowing him contact with his daughter when she sees fit which is like 4 hours on any particular day.
She obtained a laywer and her offer they say is child focused and she wants sole custody where the father can have access “time to time” laughable I know
Anyway, when the judge reads our forms and 40pieces of evidence, IF emergency motion is granted. What are we talking here? Couple weeks?
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