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How to call a witness at a motion-judge has cut all access to the child

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  • How to call a witness at a motion-judge has cut all access to the child

    Hi everyone

    I`m self represented.

    Ive tried looking around on here but cant seem to find it.

    Anyone have a link to a post that goes into calling witnesses at a motion?

    The judge cut all access to the child(including video chat)

    I have 50/50 custody to 2 other children, I was going to call my ex-wife(mother of those children,Also my current wife as a witnesses) to testify that I`m not a menace to society

    Thanks guys any help is appreciated.

  • #2
    why was the access cut?


    • #3
      Originally posted by standing on the sidelines View Post
      why was the access cut?

      Keep in mind as you read this, I`m father of the year in Toronto and have 50/50 custody of 2 children. In northern Ontario I`m a menace to society and have my access to a child restricted as much as possible by the court.

      I have no ill will to the mother, told the court she is a good mom I never worry about the child.

      There is a HUGE anti father bias in the court room. I`m hitting my knees here begging for information on how to effectively call witnesses into court at a motion. So after reading this and assuming that I`m a terrible father...can you please do a favor and post some information of how to call a witness into court effectively. Thank you

      Short version....

      I have 3 children, 2 I have 50/50 custody the 3rd I have had access cut to.

      Judge cut all access to the child until I filled out the Child lawyer application. And then I`m restricted to day visits only.

      (Access cut child) lives in northern Ontario I`m in Toronto I visit monthly

      The keto diet that I`m on and my other children are on part time is seen as putting (access cut child) life at risk

      (access cut child/5 years old) is autistic, cant hold a pencil, bites other students and throes chairs around the classroom. Child has to be chaperoned at all times when at school or they will run off property. School will eventually ask for the child to be medicated.

      I have another child(12 years old I have 50/50 custody) who had the exact same symptoms and was greatly improved(I call it cured) by diet. This child is now model student causes no problems in school and got an A for the first time last month. and on no medication

      The diet is a version of the Keto Diet...judge does not know what that is and questions the childs safety to be under my care(as the diet sounds dangerous)

      When I picked up the child on a visit I gave the mom the Keto/diet book and some Mennonite lard((hard to find) part of the diet is frying foods in animal fats rather then vegetable oils . The mom then said that she used lard all the time in her cooking and its no big deal.(I was setup) The mother of this child upon finding out I had fed the Autistic child the keto diet on a visit went hysterical and ran the child to the hospital claiming the child had blood in their poop. (forgetting to mention her whole family had diarrhea for the previous week and its probably from wiping the bum to hard/frequently)

      For those interested in the diet G.A.P.S Diet

      I`m accused of poisoning my child intentionally and the judge agrees...(feeding them the keto/G.A.P.S diet)

      I have never been alone with (Access cut child) for whole whole of their 5 year life as the mother is ready to do one false accusation after another. I had to go to supervised access on the occasions I did not have a witness to come with me on visits....I asked for supervised access not the mother. to protected myself from the mother and the court.

      The mom has been looking to get me on something...and finally she got me.

      I`ve done 100s of hours of reading a research over the years. I would never endanger a child's life or hurt them. I just want the child to grow up with all their faculties and enjoy their life.

      Judge said until I can drag a doctor into court to educate him ...Keto diet is = child endangerment. Since I`m on this diet my access to this child is to be restricted as much as possible.

      by the way "Keto Diet" gets 64 million hits when typed into google

      Access cut child has not ever seen my home, met her paternal grand parents...the court has entertained every accusation the mother has made.

      My only hope is to tie the judges hands by calling in 2 other women who know loves me the other hates me but I can count on her to be honest about my child caring abilities.


      • #4
        My goal is to be able to have the child stay at my home for a few nights when possible, go on vacation with us, march break...etc. Meet their extended family. the only family this child has ever met of mine is their siblings who I bring with me on about half the visits.

        Last year I took my other children to great wolf lodge, New York city, Cuba, Washington....etc.

        to this point the court would not allow me to even take the child out of the city limits of the northern Ontario town since her birth, and this last restriction was due to me asking to take her on vacation with me or visit Toronto for the weekend.

        In my opinion if anything happened to the mother the court would rather see the child in children's aid rather then with me, even though I care for other children on a weekly basis.

        Its almost as if the court considers this child fatherless, I'm just too hard headed to get the message

        In a very weird twist my Toronto Ex-wife is very hesitant to testify in my defense. She does not want me to loose access to my Toronto children. She believes the judge will take all my children away. kinda touching the woman who called me a Douche Bag last year...caring that I have access to my kids....kinda chokes me up a little....


        • #5
          Sorry cant answer your legal question. I too have an autistic child and have done my own research on similar diets. My ex wont agree to it either, its too extreme in his view. I dont think a Judge would agree to it either, considering your ex wont do it on her parenting time. You would need the child's pediatrician to agree to it, but there is no medical proof to say this cures autism. A Judge will favour medicating the child.

          Of course feeding your child a healthy diet while in your care and try to eliminate processed foods and sugar, should help. Changing the childs diet drastically between the 2 homes, is going to cause upset tummies and poop problems, that will fuel your ex's fire.

          I think your on the wrong path in court perusing this diet. Its a battle I believe you will lose. I would change your strategy ASAP.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kate331 View Post
            Sorry cant answer your legal question. I too have an autistic child and have done my own research on similar diets. My ex wont agree to it either, its too extreme in his view. I dont think a Judge would agree to it either, considering your ex wont do it on her parenting time. You would need the child's pediatrician to agree to it, but there is no medical proof to say this cures autism. A Judge will favour medicating the child.

            Of course feeding your child a healthy diet while in your care and try to eliminate processed foods and sugar, should help. Changing the childs diet drastically between the 2 homes, is going to cause upset tummies and poop problems, that will fuel your ex's fire.

            I think your on the wrong path in court perusing this diet. Its a battle I believe you will lose. I would change your strategy ASAP.
            I appreciate your response... I’m very sorry to hear about your child... I’m serious when I say this... if you wanted me to talk to your ex I’d call him and explain the Diet ...

            The child’s autism doctor told me that diet has no relationship to illnesss or behaviour... Un believable ....

            After the hospital visit I realized that the mom was willing to do anything and everything to frustrate what thought was in the best interest of the child... so I told the mom that I would only feed the child traditional foods... we went along fine after that till I asked for the child to visit me outside the northern Ontario town. The judge did not want to hear that I was complying with the mother’s wishes.... the simple fact I’m still on the diet in the judges mind is the problem even if I’m feeding the child pizza and bon bons

            Mom also said the child gets car sick ... judge bought into that ...

            The mom doesn’t want this child stepping one foot out of town with me... judge is in complete agreement.... no matter how far I bend over or what I agree to

            So I’m calling in my ex wife to the stand.... don’t know if I has been done before... but I have nothing to loose now...

            I’ve already capitulated to the mothers beliefs... thats not good enough...


            • #7
              situations like this is why judge will not approve of your home remedies


              I'm sure the parents of this child felt just as strongly as you did about their "cure" for their child. Sadly.... they were wrong.

              Judge has to protect the child. Simple.


              • #8
                Originally posted by arabian View Post
                situations like this is why judge will not approve of your home remedies


                I'm sure the parents of this child felt just as strongly as you did about their "cure" for their child. Sadly.... they were wrong.

                Judge has to protect the child. Simple.
                Nice to see a member with 10000 posts offering no help ... just judgments ...dragging out an old story of how evil parents are......someone like you would know where all the stuff I’m looking for is buried on here, but you chose to post that.. nice

                Painting me as an evil dad ... thanks .. well done

                A family memeber of mine was in hospital for a stroke.... I went to visit and took one look and realized what was going on... I asked doctors to stop all medications for 48 hours to see what was going on.... had to threaten them with going to the college of surgeons office for get them to do it... person woke up next day completely normal and had no stroke symptoms...went home later in the week... the doctors could not admit I was right...that there were suffering from a drug interaction..that mimicked stroke symtoms. so they sent in a doctor fresh out of medical school to tell me that a miracle had happened and god saved my family member...

                Just so you know... no doctor will correct another doctor... they will watch another doctor screw up and say nothing..... something to think about

                Doctors kill 300,000 people a year accidentally in North America ... that they admit to... not one doctor faces a single tough question.... you’re programmed to turn on a parent for one bad call...

                How many times you dragged that story out to beat someone over the head with?

                I’m suggesting harmless diet change.... calm down

                By the way you have any info on calling witnesses to motions... you went to a lot of hard work to dis credit ...why not help a little... I’m saying please


                • #9
                  You should show up to court with some great keto snacks to share with the staff and judge! Bring examples of the sort of nutritious and healthy food you feed yourself and your children, and would feed this additional child. Especially use ingredients the judge would be familiar with.

                  Show, don't tell.

                  Do not get into quack territory about how the diet will cure autism and you have proven other doctors wrong. Be mainstream. Just prove that you have experience dealing with an autistic child, understand the nutrition needs of growing children, and have 50-50 access with two other healthy children. You just have to prove the mother wrong about those particular things; you don't have to convince a judge that keto accomplishes miracles.

                  Have a backup offer that you will feed the child food the mother provides for the monthly access visit. You just want to see your child, don't you? For one weekend a month vs no access at all, I'd be willing to feed the child McDonald's every meal for that visit. Even if this keto diet is a miracle, you are not going to improve the child's symptoms on a few days of it a month, and you are never going to convince the mother to switch to it herself.

                  I don't have any knowledge to share about calling witnesses, but hope those suggestions help.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rioe View Post
                    You should show up to court with some great keto snacks to share with the staff and judge! Bring examples of the sort of nutritious and healthy food you feed yourself and your children, and would feed this additional child. Especially use ingredients the judge would be familiar with.

                    Show, don't tell.

                    Do not get into quack territory about how the diet will cure autism and you have proven other doctors wrong. Be mainstream. Just prove that you have experience dealing with an autistic child, understand the nutrition needs of growing children, and have 50-50 access with two other healthy children. You just have to prove the mother wrong about those particular things; you don't have to convince a judge that keto accomplishes miracles.

                    Have a backup offer that you will feed the child food the mother provides for the monthly access visit. You just want to see your child, don't you? For one weekend a month vs no access at all, I'd be willing to feed the child McDonald's every meal for that visit. Even if this keto diet is a miracle, you are not going to improve the child's symptoms on a few days of it a month, and you are never going to convince the mother to switch to it herself.

                    I don't have any knowledge to share about calling witnesses, but hope those suggestions help.
                    Thank you for the ideas... much appreciated

                    Your right.. put it on mom.. I could ask her to make up a diet regime..list of foods...etc..

                    Tell the judge I’ll follow it...

                    Great advice



                    • #11
                      Just so you know... no doctor will correct another doctor... they will watch another doctor screw up and say nothing..... something to think about

                      Doctors kill 300,000 people a year accidentally in North America ... that they admit to... not one doctor faces a single tough question.... you’re programmed to turn on a parent for one bad call...

                      Statements like this ^ will sink you. Your perceptions are not fact.

                      You are extremely defensive and would crater under any sort of oral examination if someone doesn't buy into your theories.

                      I would recommend that you start by getting a copy of the transcripts (all of them) and reading them objectively.

                      Like it or not, judges in Canada defer to expert opinion. Do some research and see if you can find a MEDICAL EXPERT who endorses your diet regime.

                      Lecturing a judge, or anyone, on your perception of the medical community will get you nowhere.

                      There is plenty of information, online, as well as on this forum regarding Rules of expert witnesses.

                      Walk before you run.


                      • #12
                        I fear you are going down the wrong path. The Judge will want you to be able to "meet the special needs of the child" and any diet that is not main stream is going to make a Judge nervous. Get your custody first, then work on your ex re the diet.

                        If your bringing your ex wife to the motion to say anything about this diet, BAD IDEA. Stay away from the diet. Focus on what a great parent you are, and the child needs 2 parents in their lives.

                        That said, as the Mom on 2 special needs children does your ex not need you to help her with some relief care? I myself struggle daily meeting the high needs of these children. You should be helping her as much as possible.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kate331 View Post
                          I fear you are going down the wrong path. The Judge will want you to be able to "meet the special needs of the child" and any diet that is not main stream is going to make a Judge nervous. Get your custody first, then work on your ex re the diet.

                          If your bringing your ex wife to the motion to say anything about this diet, BAD IDEA. Stay away from the diet. Focus on what a great parent you are, and the child needs 2 parents in their lives.

                          That said, as the Mom on 2 special needs children does your ex not need you to help her with some relief care? I myself struggle daily meeting the high needs of these children. You should be helping her as much as possible.
                          So much about all this is upside down.... my current wife and my toronto ex wife ... we attend parent teacher meetings together..the principal told me in his career he has never even heard of such a thing... my Toronto ex loathes me ,,,, but for the kids we hold our noses and get along

                          We don’t even look at our separation agreement... no issues around holidays... in fact no problems to report

                          Up north it’s a nightmare in communication... very sad

                          I would love to help out north mom... but she does not want north child to make one step south even for the weekend...

                          It’s all very sad...


                          • #14
                            Not sure where this child is up North, but I’m assuming the resources for autistic children isn’t as available as in Toronto.

                            As you well know, routine and consistency is key for these children, a trip to Toronto from up North (depending on how many hours) may simply be too much for a 5 year old Autistic child. Did you give permission for Mom 2 to move?

                            If you need help with resources, I can do that. As for your legal question, wait until tomorrow when more posters with knowledge of the legal system are back on line.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            • #15
                              Jesus, three baby mamas? Put a condom on, would you?

                              As an educator, I would be more worried about the disruption of routine that your five-year-old would go through when you take him or her hours and hours away from their home. By your own admission the child has never seen your home or met your family members. The school, who is familiar with your child and their needs, can’t even assist the child without some negative behaviors happening. School is in a controlled environment with a strict routine. How do you think the child would react being around unfamiliar family? Travelling for hours?? Oh right. You don’t know because you are never there.

                              You should be visiting the child on their own turf,on short visits and increasing those. Going in there gangbusters, asking for overnights and time away is not in the best interest of your child. Only in<b> your </b>best interest because it’s more convenient for you to go back to current baby mama and visit there.

                              Who cares about the keto diet? Rent an apartment up North and start seeing your child.
                              Last edited by SadAndTired; 07-16-2018, 08:16 PM.


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