Hi Community...
Having prepared a draft order, verbatim from the Justice's endorsement to the related settlement conference, STBX's counsel is disputing the endorsement and is citing the "record".
Is this the court record ? How does a self rep access this please ? Also I thought that since during a settlement conference, matters are "without prejudice" and since briefs to not form part of the continuing record, that there would be no record of what was said by the Justice outside his endorsement. Can someone please clarify ?
As always... many thanks.
P.S. the four kids are doing very, very well and very happy.
Having prepared a draft order, verbatim from the Justice's endorsement to the related settlement conference, STBX's counsel is disputing the endorsement and is citing the "record".
Is this the court record ? How does a self rep access this please ? Also I thought that since during a settlement conference, matters are "without prejudice" and since briefs to not form part of the continuing record, that there would be no record of what was said by the Justice outside his endorsement. Can someone please clarify ?
As always... many thanks.
P.S. the four kids are doing very, very well and very happy.