I am looking for advice on how to proceed to change a FRO enforcement. After 10 years of never being late or missing a payment my ex decides to hand our case to the FRO. I'm ok with that but the FRO only enforces amounts in the court agreement. Well the number they are enforcing is a few years old now and circumstances have changed. The original order was for 2 children living with my ex at that time. Now my daughter has been living with me since June 2013 and for the first few month my ex was paying child support to me for my daughter living with me. Our original agreement said that each year we would exchange tax returns and adjust monthly payments as per the current guidelines. But now that the FRO is enforcing they are enforcing the prior arrangements as this was the only dollar amount on the original agreement. Any suggestions how to get this corrected as the FRO cant help me and I really cant afford to pay lawyers anymore. Thanks
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Motion to change with FRO
Does your agreement indicate specifically that you are to pay full table amount? If no, then you might be successful in getting FRO to halt until parenting schedule is confirmed.
For a permanent fix your only solution is to get your court order updated...which may take easily 1 yr if your ex stalls.
I'd suggest you move strongly with both FRO (might be futile but nothing to lose) and in court to get this fixed.
Hmm, yeah you need to get your affidavit going, serve her and go to morning chambers court. It should take you 5 minutes in front of the judge. Your point here is that you both submit your last 3 years notice of assessement, T1 and paystubs as well as the current living arrangements for your child so the judge can do a proper offset.
As someone told me, FRO / MEP whatever ONLY cares about the court order. The story is not relevant.
So get it changed ASAP