received this question via PM from a member who wishes to remain anonymous :
my ex-husband has an issue with me working, especially during the time the children are with me, he is very old fashioned and believe women belong at home, especially once they have kids.
We have joint custody and 50-50 shared, no CS exchanged as our incomes are on par. we have the kids in a daycare program for before and after school for his time with the kids to accommodate his work schedule, but my work schedule is arranged such that I don't have to work when I have the kids with me, aside from the occasional pick up shift if someone is sick.
He is now, through his lawyer, demanding I provide a letter of proof from my employer detailing my work schedule in an effort to have our schedule with the kids changed if I am working. I don't feel it should matter, given that HE is able to work during his kid time, and my employer feels it is private internal info that they aren't entitled to.
I have provided him with my work schedule as of when it changed a year and a half ago. can they demand this and am I obligated to provide it? He is threatening to take me to court to disclose if I refuse. Would a judge even order that?
my ex-husband has an issue with me working, especially during the time the children are with me, he is very old fashioned and believe women belong at home, especially once they have kids.
We have joint custody and 50-50 shared, no CS exchanged as our incomes are on par. we have the kids in a daycare program for before and after school for his time with the kids to accommodate his work schedule, but my work schedule is arranged such that I don't have to work when I have the kids with me, aside from the occasional pick up shift if someone is sick.
He is now, through his lawyer, demanding I provide a letter of proof from my employer detailing my work schedule in an effort to have our schedule with the kids changed if I am working. I don't feel it should matter, given that HE is able to work during his kid time, and my employer feels it is private internal info that they aren't entitled to.
I have provided him with my work schedule as of when it changed a year and a half ago. can they demand this and am I obligated to provide it? He is threatening to take me to court to disclose if I refuse. Would a judge even order that?