My ex has rented a house for two years where our two daughters live about 65% of the time. She now has 2 adults living in the house: one is someone to which I believe she sublets one of the three bedrooms in the house (i.e formerly one of the girls’ bedrooms). The second person is her new boyfriend.
In a different thread, , Tayken posted:
Is my ex obligated to inform me of her new living arrangements with adults by filing a 35.1 affidavit? If so, how do I ensure she does this?
In a different thread, , Tayken posted:
Not sure about AB but, in ON under 35.1 of the FLR you have to provide a police incident report for everyone living in the house if the child is going to be residing there.
Quazi v. Bhuiyan, 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)
Date: 2013-04-05
Docket: FS-12-375636
URL: CanLII - 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)
Citation: Quazi v. Bhuiyan, 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)
Quazi v. Bhuiyan, 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)
Date: 2013-04-05
Docket: FS-12-375636
URL: CanLII - 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)
Citation: Quazi v. Bhuiyan, 2013 ONSC 1738 (CanLII)

