Originally posted by FWB
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She came out ahead in equalization which my brother is a-ok with. He currently pays her $250/mo in SS (ends in 2018 & was for 7 yrs duration). She also came out ahead in the equalization and that's accounted for in the SA agreement. I simply stated the revised "net worth" to show that based on the updated financial, she is doing better than he is, he's supporting the kids' and she's only supporting herself.
If there is any "Material Change in Circumstance" it's to his benefit. She earns $45,000/yr, he earns $60,000. At time of separation it was $40,000 her & $80,000 him but his long time employer downsized/restructured and he was let go in June and living off his Severance until he could find something. He hoped to find a job paying the same as before but after 5 months was starting to panic and managed to find a $60,000/yr paying job.
All he is asking for in his motion is for her to pay CS based on her income. Both are self-repped.
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