1. law clerk, in Oct says other side wants settlement conference ( I am still not 100% convinced that she promoted this...),
2. I explained I was out of country for 1 month, when I returned only 2 weeks to update financials, get settlement agreement together---and timelines were tight-----
3. wrote lawyer and law clerk that needed appointments to prepare for conference---no reply until last week I was away where law clerk says we need to meet. Lawyer apparently in court all week.
4. requested stuff from other side---stuff came in while i was away.
5. this week seeing law clerk, next week is the only week to prepare our first settlement offer, and the court date is the early part of the following week.
I thought there was a timeline by which the other side needs to receive the documentation.
Can / should I cancel this court date????----- (they have cancelled/changed dates---------forever. I spent more money on rearranging dates....)
Will we get slammed for not having it ready????? ( reality is the other side has not given financial documentation. My lawyer wrote the list of what was outstanding. Their financials have been a mess.
We offered to have a 4 way--they said no.
1. law clerk, in Oct says other side wants settlement conference ( I am still not 100% convinced that she promoted this...),
2. I explained I was out of country for 1 month, when I returned only 2 weeks to update financials, get settlement agreement together---and timelines were tight-----
3. wrote lawyer and law clerk that needed appointments to prepare for conference---no reply until last week I was away where law clerk says we need to meet. Lawyer apparently in court all week.
4. requested stuff from other side---stuff came in while i was away.
5. this week seeing law clerk, next week is the only week to prepare our first settlement offer, and the court date is the early part of the following week.
I thought there was a timeline by which the other side needs to receive the documentation.
Can / should I cancel this court date????----- (they have cancelled/changed dates---------forever. I spent more money on rearranging dates....)
Will we get slammed for not having it ready????? ( reality is the other side has not given financial documentation. My lawyer wrote the list of what was outstanding. Their financials have been a mess.
We offered to have a 4 way--they said no.