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OCL Intake form question

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  • OCL Intake form question

    Hi, Awesome info on here regarding dealing with OCL. Thanks to all.

    My question is, I have just completed the OCL Intake Form. One of the things that has to be attached is "a copy of the order appointing the OCL".

    I have the Judge's endorsement saying that an order for such an appointment will be made. Is this good enough ? Or is there a document somewhere that contains an actual order regarding this appointment ?

    Thanks to all. This site is a life saver for anyone self rep'ing.

  • #2
    Ok, dug around. Rule 25 of the FLR. Got it. One party has to draft the order and serve it (not file it i guess). The other must approve.


    • #3
      I just looked mine up.

      At a CC, the judge said he would be making an order for OCL referral. The court filled out the Custody/Access Order - Office of the Children's Lawye, looks like on the spot.

      The judge's chicken scratch is on the form, page 2, under 'Judge's Comments' section. Th whole form is handwritten, and bears the Court Seal.

      It is dated the same date as my CC.

      This is what was attached to th completed intake form. Note: I had requested the OCL involvement in my CC Brief and the other party agreed to it right at the CC.


      • #4
        Qrious, thanks. All I have is the Judge's endorsement saying that "There will be an order appointing the OCL...."

        What is the "Custody/Access Order - OCL" that you mentioned. Is this the OCL intake form ?

        Thanks for your help. Its all a bit confusing right now.


        • #5
          Originally posted by plainNamedDad44 View Post
          Qrious, thanks. All I have is the Judge's endorsement saying that "There will be an order appointing the OCL...."

          What is the "Custody/Access Order - OCL" that you mentioned. Is this the OCL intake form ?

          Thanks for your help. Its all a bit confusing right now.
          Just to add to this, the OCL intake form then says "attach a copy of the order appointing the OCL" So I figure I would have to draft one, get it approved and then stamped by court. No ?

          Argh !!


          • #6
            No. The intake form was a different form that I filled out myself. All the personal information...

            The "Custody/Access Order..." Was the order from the judge. We did nt receive it from the courts until a few days after the CC. It is signed by the judge and bears the seal. This is the order.

            The opening wording is as follows, "ON MOTION for an Order requesting the Children's Lawyer to provide such services as the Children's Lawyer deems appropriate;... 3(a) THIS COURT ORDERS that this matter be referred to the Children's Lawyer..."

            Have you made a motion already asking for OCL involvement (on your CC brief, or other form) and has your X agreed to it? Maybe you would have to serve your motion first, and X would have to consent, then the judge will issue the order....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Qrious View Post
              No. The intake form was a different form that I filled out myself. All the personal information...

              The "Custody/Access Order..." Was the order from the judge. We did nt receive it from the courts until a few days after the CC. It is signed by the judge and bears the seal. This is the order.
              Ok, found it. So the court prepares this and serves it on each of the parties then, right ? Is this by mail, fax ? Then I have 14 days to complete the intake form.

              Originally posted by Qrious View Post
              The opening wording is as follows, "ON MOTION for an Order requesting the Children's Lawyer to provide such services as the Children's Lawyer deems appropriate;... 3(a) THIS COURT ORDERS that this matter be referred to the Children's Lawyer..."
              Yes, I see.

              Originally posted by Qrious View Post
              Have you made a motion already asking for OCL involvement (on your CC brief, or other form) and has your X agreed to it? Maybe you would have to serve your motion first, and X would have to consent, then the judge will issue the order....
              Each parties CC briefs requested this, and since we both agreed the Judge's endorsement says that 'there will be an order appointing the OCL..."

              Thanks for helping me out on this.


              • #8
                Originally posted by plainNamedDad44 View Post
                Ok, found it. So the court prepares this and serves it on each of the parties then, right ? Is this by mail, fax ? Then I have 14 days to complete the intake form.

                Yes, I see.

                Each parties CC briefs requested this, and since we both agreed the Judge's endorsement says that 'there will be an order appointing the OCL..."

                Thanks for helping me out on this.
                My pleasure. The signed/sealed order from the court was mailed to both parties by the court in my situation.

                I was advised to make sure I meet the deadline for submission. The case was accepted by OCL in August, but we still haven't heard from an appointed lawyer....

                Good luck.


                • #9
                  Don't worry about the order. Just attach the endorsement. In my case nobody ever bothered sending me that actual order, the assessor showed it to me.

                  A social worker is going to be assigned to the case, not a lawyer. She/he does the assessment.

                  That's quite a long time to assign an assessor, call them.

                  I've had the last session with the assessor today, we will have the disclosure meeting on Oct. 8th. I can't sleep until then.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BitHunter View Post

                    That's quite a long time to assign an assessor, call them.
                    Thanks for the advice. I will. I did call my lawyer last week to get an update but didn't get a call back.

                    I'll try again Monday.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BitHunter View Post
                      Don't worry about the order. Just attach the endorsement. In my case nobody ever bothered sending me that actual order, the assessor showed it to me.
                      Bit hunter probably has a good point - even if they insist on the proper order later, you still have your application in queue. If it's not in the mail Monday, I'd go for it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BitHunter View Post
                        Don't worry about the order. Just attach the endorsement. In my case nobody ever bothered sending me that actual order, the assessor showed it to me.

                        A social worker is going to be assigned to the case, not a lawyer. She/he does the assessment.

                        That's quite a long time to assign an assessor, call them.

                        I've had the last session with the assessor today, we will have the disclosure meeting on Oct. 8th. I can't sleep until then.
                        Thanks BH and good luck.


                        • #13

                          Don't call you lawyer, call the OCL! That's free unlike calling your lawyer, and more up-to-date information!

                          my timeframe:
                          OCL ordered: April 23,
                          OCL accepted the case: June 4,
                          Investigator assigned: July 8,
                          2 interviews with me, 1 with me+d10, likely the same with ex.
                          Disclosure meeting: October 8,
                          After that we have 30 days to complain if we don't like the report.
                          Next case conference can be earliest in November.

                          The irony is that the case I started in April was about the 7 days vacation in July in Cuba with d10.


                          • #14
                            Oh yes. I'll do that. Of course! Funny when you get a lawyer how you feel like you're not "allowed" to take care of yourself anymore.

                            The trip to Cuba is long gone now. I hope your X learns (and is taught) a valuable lesson from this. Terrible.


                            • #15
                              Bit hunter - another question, if I could - my "acceptance" letter from the OCL advising they will take the case states, "Based on our review of the information received, we wish to advise that this Office will provide a lawyer for the child. The lawyer will conduct an independent inquiry into..."

                              The "child" is 15.

                              Did your letter say that as well, but then they just assigned a social worker and not actually a lawyer?

                              By the way - I have left a message at the voice mail of the person in the referral department mentioned on the letter. Hope to hear back tomorrow!

                              Thanks again.
                              Last edited by Qrious; 09-29-2013, 08:35 PM. Reason: Typo


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