Hi, Awesome info on here regarding dealing with OCL. Thanks to all.
My question is, I have just completed the OCL Intake Form. One of the things that has to be attached is "a copy of the order appointing the OCL".
I have the Judge's endorsement saying that an order for such an appointment will be made. Is this good enough ? Or is there a document somewhere that contains an actual order regarding this appointment ?
Thanks to all. This site is a life saver for anyone self rep'ing.
My question is, I have just completed the OCL Intake Form. One of the things that has to be attached is "a copy of the order appointing the OCL".
I have the Judge's endorsement saying that an order for such an appointment will be made. Is this good enough ? Or is there a document somewhere that contains an actual order regarding this appointment ?
Thanks to all. This site is a life saver for anyone self rep'ing.