I am in a battle of my life with my ex. I know for a fact that this woman is intentionally alienating me from my son, yet she goes to court and to the mediators and says that she wants me to be with our son. Yet when she talks to me it's completely different. Right now it's a matter of he said she said. Problem is, my boy is suffering as a result. What can I do to show everyone involved i.e. court, lawyers, judge and mediator, that she is not acting my our sons best interest.
I have practically begged the court to pay attention to me when I tell them that my ex is not cooperating with me in my access to my son. How can I prove beyond any doubt that she is indeed manipulating and in turn, sabatoging my relationship with my son?
I have practically begged the court to pay attention to me when I tell them that my ex is not cooperating with me in my access to my son. How can I prove beyond any doubt that she is indeed manipulating and in turn, sabatoging my relationship with my son?