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no fixed address

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  • no fixed address

    hi my stbx will not tell me where he lives, he has told the lawyers that he rents a room from a friend.

    Can I do anything about this? He wants to have the children for a week during the summer.

    He is going for joint custody but refuses to give me his address and he is out of the school jurisdiction by approximately 2.5 hours.

    How do I approach this? I just don;'t get why I am advised by my lawyer to let him have the kids for so long when I don't have an address?

    my stomach is in knots as it seems like I have to tell him or ask him about everything (by the advice of my lawyer) yet he doesn't have to answer or tell me jack shit.

    what is the method to this madness????

  • #2
    Lawyers are funny things, in my opinion.

    My lawyer absolutely agreed that I have the right to know where my children's address is when with their Dad. It is written into our SA that we must notify each other of a move of address 90 days prior to moving and a change in contact number 48 hours prior to the change.

    And before some start to post that this is controlling, no I do not need to know where the kids are every second of the day. But what if for some reason the children are not returned intentionally or due to accident/emergency?

    Officer: Where does your ex live ma'am?

    Me: I have no idea.

    I think that is beyond ridiculous. Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

    I would be willing to risk court. No address = no kids for me.

    Can you move and not tell him where you are?? Of course not. Because giving the address is the right thing to do.


    • #3
      thanks i agree I do not need to know where they are every minute they are with him but just as I would definately require to know where my kids are to sleep over at a friends house, i understand this is their dad but really you would think he would understand that concept.

      Although the lawyers must have that info? his lawyer must know where he lives, the real reason he hides his address is because he thinks child support wont find him as he doesn't seem to want to pay that either

      oh the stress of this shyte


      • #4
        Hey ringette

        Here is the link to the last time this was discussed on the board.

        Good luck with it. It is a hard decision for sure.


        • #5
          hey thanks!! greatly appreciated i tried surfing the site before i posted as i was confident this topic had to of been discussed before!!

          thanks that was helpful!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ringettteplayer View Post
            hey thanks!! greatly appreciated i tried surfing the site before i posted as i was confident this topic had to of been discussed before!!

            thanks that was helpful!
            You're welcome. I link to a canlii case in one of my responses. Hope it helps.


            • #7
              Ringetteplayer, your kids would likely let you know where he lives, although you might have to wait until they return to your home. Of course, if he really has "no fixed address", it could be more of a challenge.

              Having said that, since there appears to be no law that states his requirement to inform you of his address, it might be best just to let it go, at least for this one week, unless you are willing to spend more $$ and energy on legal tactics. Now that you are armed with more information, you can speak to your lawyer about it later on with the possibility of having it written into your SA agreement, as SadAndTired's.

              Be prepared that that he may take the kids on vacation, so to know his address that one time wouldn't be relevant anyway. I doubt you will get an intinerary. Enjoy that free time and plan a small trip on your own. You deserve it.
              Last edited by caranna; 07-13-2013, 10:09 PM.


              • #8
                Give your kid a rogers cellphone and register it with the free rogers phone tracking service.
                You can get their position real time. Much better solution than denying the summer vacation with the father just because he doesn't have an address or because he doesn't want to pay child support.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BitHunter View Post
                  Give your kid a rogers cellphone and register it with the free rogers phone tracking service.
                  You can get their position real time. Much better solution than denying the summer vacation with the father just because he doesn't have an address or because he doesn't want to pay child support.
                  Correction: You can get the cell phone's position in real time. Doesn't help if he tosses it or they lose it.

                  Make arrangements for him to have them for the week and let him know you'll bring them to him for the drop off.


                  • #10
                    hi thanks everyone i didn't think i had too much legal recourse nor does it matter to me where he lives it just doesn't sit well with me, c'est la vie i guess.

                    of course i will let them go and i wish them fun and good times and love new experiences. It is very difficult on me as I have never been without them for more than 3 days in 13 years!!

                    we shall see thanks for all the encouragement through yet another emotional mountain climb

                    *my mistake i was without them for 6 days last year*
                    Last edited by ringettteplayer; 07-14-2013, 12:23 PM. Reason: correction


                    • #11
                      Ringetteplayer - I don't blame you one bit for feeling the way you do. I would be upset as well. The fact that the reality is there's nothing you can do about it, doesn't stop how you feel about it. Hopefully it gets easier after the first time.

                      Thinking of you, and all parents today. Lets all be thankful that we have our children. (There's tragedy right nearby my house now and I weep for the family involved)


                      • #12
                        You should, at the very least, have a contact number for him in the event of an emergency.

                        Did he not put his address down on any of the court forms?


                        • #13
                          i have a celly number but that is it no no address on court forms just the lawyers


                          • #14
                            He just cancelled for the week.

                            It's been a month since he's seen them now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ringettteplayer View Post
                              He just cancelled for the week.

                              It's been a month since he's seen them now.
                              Your STBX does not appear to be a dependable and devoted dad. I can only imagine how hard it may be on the kids. Along with his tactic of keeping his address(es) a mystery, these matters indicate to me that he may have some very serious character and/or emotional issues, and you should bring these concerns to your lawyer ASAP.


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