Hello all. I have searched this site and cannot find anything related to this. Contempt of Motion served for non-payment of lump sum by x date (monthly cs and ss still and always have been paid). Final order states that all non-payment or late payment issues are to be dealt with by the FRO and a 3% interest rate applies, which is happening.
Lawyer states to tell the party that filed that this also goes against Rule 31.1 of the Rules, which states that a motion of contempt cannot be made against a payment order, and to withdrawal motion or the party that was served will seek costs against them. This was done. Refused to withdrawal motion.
Anyone heard of this before? Thoughts on costs? Both sides self rep.
Lawyer states to tell the party that filed that this also goes against Rule 31.1 of the Rules, which states that a motion of contempt cannot be made against a payment order, and to withdrawal motion or the party that was served will seek costs against them. This was done. Refused to withdrawal motion.
Anyone heard of this before? Thoughts on costs? Both sides self rep.