Today I received a response to my motion to change served on April 3. Finally. My Motion to Change only asked to change CS to table amount based on his 2011 reported income.
His response agrees to child support change I sought (and already have a temporary order for). He additionally asked for access changes.
1. His Form 13 disclosed current income as about $35,000 more per year than he made in 2011. I still don't know what his reported income was for 2012. The Form 13 does say that last year, he made (about $30,000) more than disclosed for 2011. X says he hasn't filed income tax yet for 2012. What amount should be used to calculate CS now? Does it stay the same as the amount I requested based on his 2011 income?
2. I don't agree to all of the changes in access he would like. Do I respond to his lawyer in a letter with my position, or do I wait for the CC scheduled in July? Or Do I write these things in the CC brief? Or...
3. In his "reasons" section, he has many inaccuracies and misrepresentations. Do I include these in however it is I respond to this (letter to lawyer, CC brief, affidavit..)? Do I include the "proof" of his inaccuracies (emails, etc)?
4. He has requested costs. Can I now request costs officially, or do I still do as OL suggested on my other thread to just ask at next appearance?
His response agrees to child support change I sought (and already have a temporary order for). He additionally asked for access changes.
1. His Form 13 disclosed current income as about $35,000 more per year than he made in 2011. I still don't know what his reported income was for 2012. The Form 13 does say that last year, he made (about $30,000) more than disclosed for 2011. X says he hasn't filed income tax yet for 2012. What amount should be used to calculate CS now? Does it stay the same as the amount I requested based on his 2011 income?
2. I don't agree to all of the changes in access he would like. Do I respond to his lawyer in a letter with my position, or do I wait for the CC scheduled in July? Or Do I write these things in the CC brief? Or...
3. In his "reasons" section, he has many inaccuracies and misrepresentations. Do I include these in however it is I respond to this (letter to lawyer, CC brief, affidavit..)? Do I include the "proof" of his inaccuracies (emails, etc)?
4. He has requested costs. Can I now request costs officially, or do I still do as OL suggested on my other thread to just ask at next appearance?