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Divorced - who does this?

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  • Divorced - who does this?

    Sorry, I am just needing to vent.

    I found out Sat., that I am ''officially'' divorced.

    How do I know this. My cheatting husbands live in g/f, decorated the outside of their home (my old home with my ex). Also, decorated was the truck he drove around in on Sat.

    Seriously, who does this? Was this suppose to hurt me? I have lived at the hands of a very evil man and g/f for a long time now. The word ''divorce'' is welcomed on my part. However, to advertise this, at the home where your children still come to visit you. For neighbours to talk about it.

    What the heck?!!

  • #2
    You continue to live at his hands, by your own actions.

    You are living in the past, holding on to anger.

    Sure, what he did was tasteless and crass. Be happy he isn't your husband anymore. And if your neighbours were truly your friends, they would see it as tastesless and crass as well.

    You need to get a life and move on with it, and I mean that in the kindest way.


    • #3
      Very childish.

      People like this tend to eventually fall on their faces.



      • #4
        I agree with Arabian

        I would be embarrassed by a woman or a man who behaved like that.

        I feel sorry for her.

        and you should be happy she feels sooo threatened by you!! Rawr rock that sisstahhh she's insecure and that's sooo ugly and soo needy!!

        live free, live happy, live it up


        • #5

          Remember: the world would be a boring place if everyone was mature

          IMHO, best laughs I ever have are when people diverge from societal norms. And I need a laugh EVERY day.

          oh, and vent all you want; we are always entitled to vent and this is the best place!


          • #6
            The truly (and hopelessly) pathetic and desperate for attention: that's "who" does this. Lol, he's probably got her thinking you are still madly in love with him. Even if he knows it's the farthest thing from the truth, these LOSERS like it when their new gf's buy their load of crap. Hmmm. How do I know this? B/C my psycho ex fed his gf (now wife) the same crock of shit.

            You'll laugh at it someday. I hope it's soon. It really is pathetic. I'm sure the neighbors that have any class or decency are aghast. It is so trashy.


            • #7
              Where Is The Light: I thought you were just in court in February for a preliminary hearing of sorts. How could you be officially divorced yet?

              If you really want to fuck him up - appeal the divorce decision LOL I believe a divorce doesn't become final until 30 days after the judge signs the divorce judgment. Wouldn't that just cook his/her bacon?


              • #8
                Congratulations on being officially divorced.

                Now celebrate and forget about your ex. Its a good thing.


                • #9
                  I guess you are on their minds and all they do is talk about you. He has built you into a monster who is still obssessed with him and she is insecure and therefore trying to assert herself as the new woman. Completely immature and childish behaviour.

                  I left the marital home after numerous attempts of my ex and her boyfriend to have me falsely charged. They took over the home until I forced the sale and they lived openly in our old neighbourhood and talked crap about me to anyone who would listen.

                  After they moved out their things it was my turn to move my things out and let me tell you, a lot of the neighbours came to see me and expressed disgust at my ex's actions. I even got several of them to write letters as neighbours vouching for me as a good neighbour and father to my kids, which I submitted with my affidavit in our custody hearing. Trust me, your ex's little decorating party shows very poorly to everyone.

                  Moral to all this, stop living in the past and be thankful you are no longer with someone who would do something as stupid as that. Living in the past and revisiting old memories of this guy will only prolong any pain you are trying to get over.


                  • #10
                    An insecure person does that. I'm going to congratulate you for finally being free. Let her celebrate all she wants. New GFs don't often know what they're in for.


                    • #11
                      ^ "New GFs don't often know what they're in for."

                      True, to a point but new gf's actually get a front row seat to the true colors of some of these characters. They simply refuse to acknowledge that the ugliness can be turned onto them. It's some sort of denial, drama-loving thing I guess.

                      I don't know how my ex's wife can stand him but whatever: better her (being with him) than me. She'll learn.. The hard way... Eventually.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hadenough View Post
                        ^ "New GFs don't often know what they're in for."

                        True, to a point but new gf's actually get a front row seat to the true colors of some of these characters. They simply refuse to acknowledge that the ugliness can be turned onto them. It's some sort of denial, drama-loving thing I guess.

                        I don't know how my ex's wife can stand him but whatever: better her (being with him) than me. She'll learn.. The hard way... Eventually.
                        I agree 100%. It never occurs to some people that how they treat one person is likely how they will treat them one day.


                        • #13
                          Thank you everyone. Phewww.

                          To respond to a few of your very appreciated replies to my initial post. The cheatters know eachother all to well. They were both married when they were cheating with eachother. They met at work. She cheatted on all three of her husbands now. She feels she finally found the one now. My ex would be about 16 years younger than she. She has alot cashola Much to his liking.

                          She shouldn't be insecure. I changed my home phone, cell phone and email address so he/she would stop sending me very very mean and cruel messages. There is NO LOVE LOST. I have as little to do with them as possible. It is they who together, shipped me and our children (ex/mine), out from our home and he moved her in. It is really kinda sick, as is their behaviour.

                          It is like they are evil people. Like they are playing a very cruel game. Why me? I have his children. His constant need to do things to me, is costing me a fortune in lawyers monies. I AM VIRTUALLY BROKE AND FEAR FOR HOW TO PROVIDE FOR HIS CHILDREN. She, the evil g/f, seems to edge him on. Simply move on. I just don't get them.

                          God be with me on Friday as he lures me back into court AGAIN (TMC).

                          Thank you everyone.


                          • #14
                            he applied for the divorce awhile ago. He said if I contested it (and why would I, apart from I have now lost his benefits), he would go after court costs.


                            • #15
                              I read a few of your previous posts. Have you enquired about whether or not you are eligible for legal aid?


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