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Uneducated and simply not understanding

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  • standing on the sidelines
    Originally posted by Where is the Light View Post
    I am confused what I am reading and where mess. I am sorry. I am also not familiar yet, quite how this site works and how to navigate it.
    here you go.

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  • Where is the Light
    I am confused what I am reading and where mess. I am sorry. I am also not familiar yet, quite how this site works and how to navigate it.

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  • Mess
    Originally posted by arabian View Post
    I believe Mess posted them under one of the threads by Where Is The Light. Perhaps click on her name and then look at her recent threads.

    Mess should do a "sticky" if he hasn't already done one. Call it - Tips and Readings for Self-Representation in Family Court/Procedures - or something like that.
    They are already stickied. Some day when I have a few extra hours I may try to rearrange them into one thread.

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  • hadenough
    "Do NOT minimize yourself like that.

    Just because someone didn't go far in school, does not mean they aren't 'smart'."

    ^ WretchedOtis is correct! You are selling yourself short. I know plenty of people with degrees that are not the brightest people in the world. I've had to write mountains of correspondence in the last few years - and I've had many written responses from LSUC, lawyers, Legal Secretaries and everyone else under the sun - many of them have poor spelling and grammar. I've also had to repeat my situation 50x to some parties that ought to have a very good grasp of what I'm talking about. Now if only I were getting paid the money they are! :s

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  • arabian
    I believe Mess posted them under one of the threads by Where Is The Light. Perhaps click on her name and then look at her recent threads.

    Mess should do a "sticky" if he hasn't already done one. Call it - Tips and Readings for Self-Representation in Family Court/Procedures - or something like that.

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  • Marcos
    Originally posted by arabian View Post
    It is important, however, to do the reading that Mess recommended.
    Arabian, what were the reading recommendations by Mess? I don't see them here, i fired my lawyer and going at it self-rep and need to ramp up ASAP and aggressively. Any help/resources is welcome.


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  • arabian
    I agree with Otis. A self-represented individual has the power to run up the opposing lawyer's bill. My ex was self-represented for a short while. It was pretty crazy and I know it was very frustrating for my lawyer as things were filed incorrectly. My ex used to get time extensions galore and my lawyer didn't object because he said 90% of the time judges allow lots of leniency for self-represented.
    Do yourself a favor and go spend an afternoon in your local courthouse and sit through some family law cases. It is quite interesting to watch. I was quite surprised to find that a majority of people in family court were self-represented.

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  • wretchedotis
    as an after-thought....

    Do NOT minimize yourself like that.

    Just because someone didn't go far in school, does not mean they aren't 'smart'.

    You can do it. It just takes dedication.

    Trust me when I tell you, the opposite sides' lawyer is more afraid of a 'self-rep' adversary than you realize.

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  • arabian
    My ex has taken me to court 6 times to try to reduce and/or eliminate spousal support. While I have a lawyer, it was blatantly obvious that he didn't have grounds for "change of circumstance." Feel free to PM me (Private Message). It is important, however, to do the reading that Mess recommended. You don't need to be highly educated to represent yourself.

    Sounds like your lawyer wasn't very effective and you very well may do a better job if you do it yourself anyhow.

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  • wretchedotis
    Pretty sure it's another term for 'Trial Management Conference'.

    Which is basically just yet another 'Settlement Conference'.

    This time, the Justice will ask you if you have witnesses lined up, and if you are ready to proceed to trial.

    Given that you will be letting your lawyer go - it would be a perfect opportunity to ask for more time so that you may have a chance to prepare yourself for trial. There will be a lot of preparation required if you wish to do well for yourself.

    A trial date will be set, and your off to the races.

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  • Where is the Light
    started a topic Uneducated and simply not understanding

    Uneducated and simply not understanding

    Who wants to admit they haven't much education? ME

    So, I still don't understand the pre trial ordeal?

    I am scheduled for one, going into on my own (self rep.) and don't know what happens in it. Can someone explain it in simple terms?

    Thank you so much.

    p.s. ex is taking me because he wants to reduce spousal support even further. He has only been paying it for 1.5 years and it is several hundred dollars below the suggested ''divorce mate'' chart. I have been outta work for about half of our mariage (stay at home mom). The efforts I can show to prove looking for work WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM.

    But again, I am not sure what happens in this pre-trial. What is it? What happens in it? Is it like our other ''settlement conferences''?

    Not sure what I am planning for? Don't get it (the pretrial visit to the courtroom). Duhhhhhhhhhh.
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