Hi All,
I'm looking for some guidance on the following; after a painful 6 month wait for a decision at Custody and Access Motion, i am face with not so favorable results.
The judge has made a handful in factual errors (ie, things that are not in any pleadings/affidavits); Is there a method/process to have the judge correct those? How would i request that?
I have seen case law with "supplementary endorsements" and "corrigenda" to address these mistakes but not i don't know what the process is or should be?
I'm looking for some guidance on the following; after a painful 6 month wait for a decision at Custody and Access Motion, i am face with not so favorable results.
The judge has made a handful in factual errors (ie, things that are not in any pleadings/affidavits); Is there a method/process to have the judge correct those? How would i request that?
I have seen case law with "supplementary endorsements" and "corrigenda" to address these mistakes but not i don't know what the process is or should be?