Hi everyone hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed my absence! haha
im baaack i know such a surprise, this time i have great news, my house just sold i signed my affidavidt did my p a s course (alberta) and notice to disclose etc., and got the process officer ready to serve next week!!
my only concern is in my affidavidt i did not mention any of the physical abuse i endured over the 16 years of my marriage, i know in consults i have told my lawyer, however my concern is before i serve him should i have it added in it after i have sworn? the police were never involved, why did i leave it out hindsight i guess and because i never had "proof" so can anyone offer me advice as to whether i should as his responding affidavidt is going to paint me as a horrible wife and mother etc., although he left me with the children and moved away....thanks everyone soo much for you ideas, suggestions advice always greatly appreciated.
1, applying for sole custody and cs,ss, and the net proceeds from the house sale.
i have set up numberous attempts for him to see the children and even offered to drive 2 hours to meet him for him to see his children at christmas he refused all 3 proposals and has not seen his children since july 4 2011.
my lawyer went on vacation on friday we are set to serve tuesday.
im baaack i know such a surprise, this time i have great news, my house just sold i signed my affidavidt did my p a s course (alberta) and notice to disclose etc., and got the process officer ready to serve next week!!
my only concern is in my affidavidt i did not mention any of the physical abuse i endured over the 16 years of my marriage, i know in consults i have told my lawyer, however my concern is before i serve him should i have it added in it after i have sworn? the police were never involved, why did i leave it out hindsight i guess and because i never had "proof" so can anyone offer me advice as to whether i should as his responding affidavidt is going to paint me as a horrible wife and mother etc., although he left me with the children and moved away....thanks everyone soo much for you ideas, suggestions advice always greatly appreciated.
1, applying for sole custody and cs,ss, and the net proceeds from the house sale.
i have set up numberous attempts for him to see the children and even offered to drive 2 hours to meet him for him to see his children at christmas he refused all 3 proposals and has not seen his children since july 4 2011.
my lawyer went on vacation on friday we are set to serve tuesday.