My situation is as follows and I seek advice,
I have been separated for a little over three years now. I have joint custody of my two kids (11 and 14). They live week on week off with me. We currently have a court order in place and I pay $800.00 a month through FRO to my EX based on an offset calculation based on my income of approx 68K and her at minimum wage.
I am going to seek advice on undue hardship because I am struggling financially due to increased cost of living. I am also currently involved in a personal bankruptcy because of martial debt and lawyers expenses. I have about 6months (2 year process) left to finalize my bankruptcy.
My Ex owns her own home and has been living (common law) with a guy for over two years now. I would estimate his income at 45-50K. My ex also gets the full tax credit of both children as per our court order.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated...
I have been separated for a little over three years now. I have joint custody of my two kids (11 and 14). They live week on week off with me. We currently have a court order in place and I pay $800.00 a month through FRO to my EX based on an offset calculation based on my income of approx 68K and her at minimum wage.
I am going to seek advice on undue hardship because I am struggling financially due to increased cost of living. I am also currently involved in a personal bankruptcy because of martial debt and lawyers expenses. I have about 6months (2 year process) left to finalize my bankruptcy.
My Ex owns her own home and has been living (common law) with a guy for over two years now. I would estimate his income at 45-50K. My ex also gets the full tax credit of both children as per our court order.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated...