Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Secondly, rational people want to settle things. Highly conflicted people don't. They want to fight it out in court and would never make (or consider) an offer to settle.
Actually, someone who is concerned about abduction would seek remedies to prevent the action from happening through the court, and seek settlement in the matter. Any well rounded person would seek settlement even in a complex matter such as this.
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Who is the other party the person in question is including in the statement of "we"?
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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"my time back" - Access time is the child's right and not that of the access parent.
"my health" - How does one even give back health? One's health and well being is in their own personal domain and control. If the person in question wants better health there is a whole health care system out there waiting to help with any issues regarding their health care.
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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"my lost time" - nothing about the child's time. One would question if the person in question sees the child as a unique and individual or an object to be fought over and won in court like property. The possessive nature of "my" statements shouldn't be overlooked.
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Cognitive distortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Give me everything I ask for or give me nothing."
Also known as "going for broke". What people don't realize is when you "go for broke" you either get what you want or you go broke. It in itself is the root of all "splitting" (black and white) thinking.
By making an offer to settle WD, you are demonstrating that you are not a black and white thinker. I hope you truly understand this.
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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HCI High Conflict Speakers, Books, Consultations
They pick a Target of Blame and assault that person verbally, physically, financially, etc. They promote high conflict divorces, lawsuits, complaints against co-workers, neighbors, friends and family. They sue professionals, gather negative advocates, cost employers lots of time and money. They convince everyone that it's all your fault! If you're dealing with a situation like this then you've come to the right place to get information, resources and tools to help you.
Originally posted by WorkingDAD
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Good Luck!