I have a friend that is going through a separation/divorce and he desperately needs some advice.
He and his STBX are both Canadian teachers and they have been living and teaching in Saudi for the last three years. They have two children aged 4 and 7 and they have just recently split. His ex would not move back to Canada unless he agreed to go to the Canadian Embassy in Saudi and swear a divorce under Sharia Law. They currently do not have separation agreement other then two documents signed in the Embassy. The Divorce Deed was signed by both parties in addition to a Custody Agreement. He has always been a very involved and active participant in the children’s’ lives however, he unwittingly agreed to having roughly 20% custody of the kids in exchange for everyone returning to Canada. They both have a secure teaching job in Ontario but now they need to sort out all of the details of the separation.
Can he open up the issue of custody now that they have returned? He never consulted a lawyer at the time and felt forced into signing the document in order to secure their safe return to Canada. The most important thing for him is having 50% custody/access of the kids.
Due to the fact that he signed this document can he object to his ex’s recent desire to enrol the children in the city and school of her choice?
She currently holds the children’s passports and he is concerned that she will leave the country and possibly not return. What are his options?
Is he legally divorced in Canada even though they never had a Separation Agreement? Is this Divorce Deed and Custody Agreement valid in Canada because it was signed in the Canadian Embassy?
Thanks for any help and guidance!
He and his STBX are both Canadian teachers and they have been living and teaching in Saudi for the last three years. They have two children aged 4 and 7 and they have just recently split. His ex would not move back to Canada unless he agreed to go to the Canadian Embassy in Saudi and swear a divorce under Sharia Law. They currently do not have separation agreement other then two documents signed in the Embassy. The Divorce Deed was signed by both parties in addition to a Custody Agreement. He has always been a very involved and active participant in the children’s’ lives however, he unwittingly agreed to having roughly 20% custody of the kids in exchange for everyone returning to Canada. They both have a secure teaching job in Ontario but now they need to sort out all of the details of the separation.
Can he open up the issue of custody now that they have returned? He never consulted a lawyer at the time and felt forced into signing the document in order to secure their safe return to Canada. The most important thing for him is having 50% custody/access of the kids.
Due to the fact that he signed this document can he object to his ex’s recent desire to enrol the children in the city and school of her choice?
She currently holds the children’s passports and he is concerned that she will leave the country and possibly not return. What are his options?
Is he legally divorced in Canada even though they never had a Separation Agreement? Is this Divorce Deed and Custody Agreement valid in Canada because it was signed in the Canadian Embassy?
Thanks for any help and guidance!