So I was served papers by my ex saying they are challenging our separation agreement and she is going for sole custody.
would it be best for me to counter with a sole custody request also or shared custody but me being the primary care giver.
she is being very unreasonable latelt including restricting my access to them on her days as was standard practice and in our agreement (rofr) i did pick ups and daycare on days she was working. because i wasnt flexiable enough with her she removed them from school one day, takes them to work w her and has a sitter pick them up from school even though i have been available all so i cant provide daycare. i have her on tape saying its because i wasnt flexiable with her and she will no longer let me see them on those days.
she threatened to punch my gf in the head in front of the kids and tells kids daddy has more money then mommy.
i also have her on tape a year ago talking to a friend saying she fantasizes about not having children and would be fine having them one night a week.
she is also trying to force sale of matrimonial home because tecnically still listed on title, but took the money a year ago when i paid her out. this is the only home children have known in their school district and all their friends live here. can that go against her that she is vindictive and not acting in their best interest?
would it be best for me to counter with a sole custody request also or shared custody but me being the primary care giver.
she is being very unreasonable latelt including restricting my access to them on her days as was standard practice and in our agreement (rofr) i did pick ups and daycare on days she was working. because i wasnt flexiable enough with her she removed them from school one day, takes them to work w her and has a sitter pick them up from school even though i have been available all so i cant provide daycare. i have her on tape saying its because i wasnt flexiable with her and she will no longer let me see them on those days.
she threatened to punch my gf in the head in front of the kids and tells kids daddy has more money then mommy.
i also have her on tape a year ago talking to a friend saying she fantasizes about not having children and would be fine having them one night a week.
she is also trying to force sale of matrimonial home because tecnically still listed on title, but took the money a year ago when i paid her out. this is the only home children have known in their school district and all their friends live here. can that go against her that she is vindictive and not acting in their best interest?