Hi sorry to sound repetitive, Just looking for an opinion, February my husband (soon to be ex) purchased a house in Alberta without my knowledge until a lawyer emailed me! He then in turn emailed me that we were seperating, how does this affect custody? He has not returned to ontario and has no plans to return he just left and left the house us everything!! He has made zero attempt to see our 3 children in over 5 months. I know he will fight custody on me. Anyone offer any advice as to what may unfold with regards to custody? We do not have a seperation agreement nothing he refuses to talk to me., My apologies he does call occassionally and when he does he accuses me of not letting him talk to the children which is crazy, I think its just his only attempt at justifying his behaviour but again who knows!!
By the way I would love love love for our children to have a healthy relationship with their dad by no means do i want to push him out.
Thank you. (yes i do have a lawyer haha)
By the way I would love love love for our children to have a healthy relationship with their dad by no means do i want to push him out.
Thank you. (yes i do have a lawyer haha)