ok so my ex has not done up a legal offer but he has called me to tell me what he wants. He says if I don't do it that way that he will go through his lawyer to get week on week off. I don't think that is a good schedule for an 11 month old to go without seeing each parent for long time.
He is proposing
Tues 5-7pm and Thurs to Sunday night (every other weekend)
Alternate Week: Tues-Wednesday overnight, thurs- fri night
My daughter is 11 months old..he has supervised visits currently (10 hrs a week)
because of admitted drug and alcohol problem (which caused temper issues with our daughter). In the last 2 months he
he has to my knowledge stopped drug use and cut back on the alcohol. He says he has been taking drug tests with his Dr.
I have bought a couple of books from psychologists that were recommended to me. They suggest no lengthy time away from a primary care giver until the baby is old enough to communicate. Then on here it seems that a lot of people think it's ok. I just want our daughter to feel secure and there is such conflicting advice.
She is very healthy, smart, happy. She's walking, already has lots of words..always smiley. I am worried we make the wrong decision and
then it's set in stone by court document. I also worry about him being clean for a couple months out of 10 years..kind of worries me too.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
He is proposing
Tues 5-7pm and Thurs to Sunday night (every other weekend)
Alternate Week: Tues-Wednesday overnight, thurs- fri night
My daughter is 11 months old..he has supervised visits currently (10 hrs a week)
because of admitted drug and alcohol problem (which caused temper issues with our daughter). In the last 2 months he
he has to my knowledge stopped drug use and cut back on the alcohol. He says he has been taking drug tests with his Dr.
I have bought a couple of books from psychologists that were recommended to me. They suggest no lengthy time away from a primary care giver until the baby is old enough to communicate. Then on here it seems that a lot of people think it's ok. I just want our daughter to feel secure and there is such conflicting advice.
She is very healthy, smart, happy. She's walking, already has lots of words..always smiley. I am worried we make the wrong decision and
then it's set in stone by court document. I also worry about him being clean for a couple months out of 10 years..kind of worries me too.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.