As it looks, considering my last years income of 110K
And the ex's at 27K b/c she took the summer off.
I'll be paying approx. $1500 in CS and $1500
For Alimony =$3000/ month. I'm not even making what
I have in the past. I'm not working overtime. I'm just
Working my 40 hrs/week. I'm slated to make about 85K.
How in gods name do I live on $450/ week with a mortgage,
Gas for a truck, bills, food, etc? Some weeks it's less.
She's getting 2/3 of my income plus her paycheck.
She's raking in $5200/ month while I barely get $1600.
One son is billeting out of town for Jr. Hockey 8 months of the year. I can't
Even afford to go see him play b/c I can't afford the gas.
Hey! I'm not looking for sympathy here but some fairness. There
Isn't a court order to pay yet. I've been paying since day one over a yr and
A half on an agreement we done but now I'm getting screwed for being a
Nice guy. On Friday, my account went into overdraft for the 1st time ever
Unknowingly, so her payment did not go in. I got some Nasty texts and 2 very rude phone messages that I kept. Basically I'm a deadbeat whose not paying. Currently she's getting $550/week. I had to borrow it from my girlfriend in which I did not have to. She never even said sorry or thank you. I did it do it don't come back to haunt me. Ungrateful bloodsucker! I have an appt. To see another lawyer for another opinion. I'm thinking of firing my-current lawyer. Im not comfortable with her. Anyway! There's no way I'm going to live the way I am while she lives high on the hog. Something is not right. I'll be in arrears every week all year. Is there a motion for financial duress?
And the ex's at 27K b/c she took the summer off.
I'll be paying approx. $1500 in CS and $1500
For Alimony =$3000/ month. I'm not even making what
I have in the past. I'm not working overtime. I'm just
Working my 40 hrs/week. I'm slated to make about 85K.
How in gods name do I live on $450/ week with a mortgage,
Gas for a truck, bills, food, etc? Some weeks it's less.
She's getting 2/3 of my income plus her paycheck.
She's raking in $5200/ month while I barely get $1600.
One son is billeting out of town for Jr. Hockey 8 months of the year. I can't
Even afford to go see him play b/c I can't afford the gas.
Hey! I'm not looking for sympathy here but some fairness. There
Isn't a court order to pay yet. I've been paying since day one over a yr and
A half on an agreement we done but now I'm getting screwed for being a
Nice guy. On Friday, my account went into overdraft for the 1st time ever
Unknowingly, so her payment did not go in. I got some Nasty texts and 2 very rude phone messages that I kept. Basically I'm a deadbeat whose not paying. Currently she's getting $550/week. I had to borrow it from my girlfriend in which I did not have to. She never even said sorry or thank you. I did it do it don't come back to haunt me. Ungrateful bloodsucker! I have an appt. To see another lawyer for another opinion. I'm thinking of firing my-current lawyer. Im not comfortable with her. Anyway! There's no way I'm going to live the way I am while she lives high on the hog. Something is not right. I'll be in arrears every week all year. Is there a motion for financial duress?