Totally new here...going thru 3 years of hell. spent a fortune, now self repp'd..NOW Trial. Crazy. So Trial Record is filed. (not even sure what to enclose) Next Exhibits, But I have to research some cases to help my case...where do start?
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Case Book Cases Where to look.
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Originally posted by Fed-UP! View PostTRIAL RECORD.
What goes in this...Application, Answers, Amendments, Financial DIsclosure, Green sheets, Endorsements...... what about Request to Admit... and Responce to Req to Admit. Anything eles? Past motions, Affideavits....anyone know???
Response to a request to admit would as well, if you plan on responding.
I find the clerks to be very helpful for this kind of thing.
this is so crazy, I did 2 actually 3 so far Req to Admit "Documents"1-182 Tabs but I think the Tabs of exhbits will go in later....So I guess I'll file the Index of the Req for Documents, File the Req to Admit "Facts" , File the Response to Req. to Admit for both parties, and I'll type up an agreed Facts Statement...OMG. who has time to work, this is my full time job..
just a quick start - but i believe the answer is no. You can't reference other province's rulings unless you are prepared to "make new law in Ontario" which is something I believe would be very expensive. Many of the provinces are similar to the point that you should be able to find case reference in your own province. The hardest, at least for me is selecting the right keywords so in fact you do get relavent cases coming up in your searches.
Please remember to search right here! There are so many points discussed on the forum with good, no great leads! It is the start for what you seek - again it is to select the right keywords so you get good results.
Hope this helped a bit....
question for torontonian: when you mentioned "quoted out of province cases" - was it quoting things that were already covered in Ontario (so they in effect were more in support of the ontario law in effect today? Just making sure I understood what this means? I was sent an out of province case a while back, that mirrored my cicumstance really well and when I brought this up with the lawyer his response was to use out of province case law can be extremely expensive so more than likely not within my limited budget. Reason I ask is what you said - the items quoted, were they in support of Ontario decisions already in effect, or were they to make an agruement that, well, to date had never been introduced or decided on in Ontario? In otherwords they were breaking "new ground"? (I hope I explained this right - I can't think of any other way to word it?