Divorce Objectives
What would you like to accomplish in your divorce? Please rank your objectives by writing a "1" by your highest priorities, "2" by your secondary priorities, and so forth.
- Obtain sole custody of my children
- Work out a joint custodial arrangement with my spouse
- Minimise the amount of spousal support I have to pay
- Make sure that my pension is protected
- Minimise taxes payable due to divorce
- Keep expenses low
- Resolve issues as quickly as possble
- Minimise conflict with my spouse
- Stay in the matrimonial home with my children
- Protect my business from my spouse
- Structure a buyout of my spouse’s interest in my business
- Allow me to move to another city with my children
- Locate assets hidden by my spouse
- Sell the matrimonial home
- Ensure that I receive sufficient support for myself and my children
- Pay off joint debts
- Obtain a restraining order to prevent domestic violence
- Make sure my children have money for private school or university
- Protect my children from a "divorce war"
- Negotiate a separation agreement that both my spouse and I are happy with
- Prevent my spouse from moving away with our children